In the News: Advantage magazine profiles Delvinia CEO Adam Froman

The October issue of Advantage magazine was released today and “The Innovators” section of the quarterly publication features a profile of our CEO Adam Froman. Adam spoke with writer Joe Dyton earlier this year for a story about his journey as an entrepreneur and the challenges he’s faced in building Delvinia and AskingCanadians. The article, […]

A Picture Really is Worth a Thousand Words – Unlocking Data with Image Recognition

In the early part of the 20th century, the expression “a picture is worth a thousand words” became popular as a way to describe the effectiveness graphics in advertising. A century later this statement is as true as ever, especially on social networks where the ongoing shift continues from text-based communication to photos, graphics, and […]

Fostering a culture of innovation within our office

Our office has always had a customer-centric philosophy. We believe it is important to understand and share the feelings of another person or group of people when approaching projects and the customer experiences we are designing.  One of the reasons we do this is because we believe that the best user experiences are built on […]

The secret to fuelling a culture of innovation

With the rapid pace of today’s technological change, even industry-leading companies need to constantly evolve and innovate to stay on top or even compete. In a world where a company like WhatsApp can be purchased for $19 billion, and Netflix can turn the cable industry on its head, many of your key competitors tomorrow, may […]

Is the Magic of Digital Technology Disappearing Right Before Our Eyes?

Welcome to the future. We may be short on flying cars, robot maids and moon bases, but nonetheless digital technologies have become part of (nearly) everyone’s daily lives. However, our everyday experiences with digital technologies are evolving to be less magical and more useful. What were once limited interactions with technology—such as using a bulky […]

Connecting the Dots

As more and more technology-driven products and services become more easily obtainable by the mass consumer group and no longer privileged just for the elite, the rate of change to our way of life continues to accelerate.  As a result, the customer journey of your target audience is not only continually changing to account for […]