Tracking students with GPS microchips

According to a story that appeared on Mashable earlier this week, 20,000 grade school students in Vitoria da Conquista, Brazil “have recently started wearing uniforms embedded with GPS chips similar to those used in pet trackers.” Here’s how it works. Parents receive a text message when their child arrives at school, or if they are […]

Upcoming Webinar: The Reality of Mobile in Canada

Delvinia presents new data surrounding Canadian mobile behaviours in the latest instalment of the DIG Webinar Series, being held on Wednesday, March 30. The presentation, based on new data collected through AskingCanadians™, builds upon the April 2010 DIG report entitled, Managing the Hype: The Reality of Mobile in Canada. Delvinia President Steve Mast and VP […]

Mobile GPS, oh where art thou? Managing the Hype: The Reality of Mobile in Canada

GPS awareness and usage on smartphones is still relatively low among Canadians, particularly among Boomers and the 65+ crowd. Even some 38% of NGen don’t know or aren’t sure whether their smartphones are GPS-equipped. Given these stats, it isn’t surprising that few Canadians use their mobile GPS on a weekly basis. Why this lack of awareness and […]