A successful digital business = smart machines + smart people

Have you noticed the steady increase in automation and smart machines being embedded into every aspect of your daily life? Uber uses a smartphone application to connect passengers with drivers, which has automated and replaced the traditional taxi dispatcher. The Yotel New York hotel in New York City has completely automated the check-in process with […]

Speaking Engagements: OpenDialogue’s Social Media Marketing Conference

Delvinia President Steve Mast will take part in OpenDialogue’s 6th Annual Social Media Marketing Conference, being held at The Old Mill Inn on February 13 and 14. Steve’s session, Canadian Consumer Views and Usage of Branded Social Media, looks at social from the consumer perspective. Here’s a preview of his presentation: In today’s world, digital […]

Screens & Places: The rise of augmented reality

The intersection between digital, social and physical experiences. The other day I was on a conference call with an old industry colleague. We were discussing the commercial viability of augmented reality (AR). If you don’t know what AR is, check out Wikipedia here. When I think about the true intersection of digital and physical experiences AR […]

Targeting Your Digital Efforts to Niche Markets

We all know that different groups use digital media in different ways. There is no one size fits all marketing strategy. So whether you’re trying to reach out to members of the Real Life Super Hero movement (a community of men who dress up like superheroes and fight crime) or the uber-wealthy individuals who belong […]