Amy Sullivan, Delvinia’s VP of Customer Insight, and Randy Matheson, our Director of Emerging Media + Trends, will kick off the Canadian Marketing Association’s 2012 CMA Social Media Conference–being held at Allstream Centre on June 13–with a presentation on the State of the Social Nation.

Drawing on freshly minted data from the AskingCanadians research community, Amy and Randy will share the latest stats on consumer engagement with social platforms. Learn what Canadians are doing, why, and how often, and gain valuable insights into how social media is changing Canadians’ purchasing behaviour and their relationships with brands.

Additional speakers include Graham Moysey, General Manager, AOL Canada; Jon Sinden, Manager, Digital Content & Social Media, Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment; and Nikisha Reyes, Marketing Communications Manager – Xbox Lifestyle, Microsoft Canada.

Sean Moffitt, author of Wikibrands – Reinventing Your Company in a Customer-Driven Marketplace, Managing Director of the Wikibrands customer engagement consultancy and President, Agent Wildfire Strategy & Communications Inc., will deliver the closing keynote.

Register now to join us at the event.