Delvinia CEO Adam Froman and Rupen Seoni, a vice president of Environics Analytics, were among the speakers at the Canadian Marketing Association‘s CMA Analytics Conference yesterday.

In their joint presentation, New Media Use Changes During the Customer Life Cycle, Adam and Rupen outlined the AskingCanadians™ Social Media PRIZMC2Link, a database that enables marketers to target their products, messages and channels based on their customers’ social media habits and lifestyles.

Using this tool, marketers can analyze how specific segments of Canadian consumers use social media differently as they become more engaged with a brand. To illustrate this point, Adam and Rupen presented a case study examining how Canadian Blood Services can turn consumers into brand advocates based on their social media use.

They also shared findings from AskingCanadians™ 2012 profiling data, including the fact that:

To view the presentation in its entirety, please see the following video.