10 Ways Market Researchers can Tap into Social Media Platforms

Tonight I’m guest lecturing at Ryerson University for an undergraduate Market Research course. They are revamping both the day and the distance education versions of the course and the ‘new and improved’ course will retain most of the research ‘fundamentals’, but they also want introduce students to some of the newer advances in the industry. […]

What Do Women Need Online?

In an effort to examine how and why women use the web, Yahoo! undertook the Women Connectonomics study, holding focus groups and interviewing 3,000 women across America. The results of this study will be used to help advertisers connect with women online in ways that best suit their needs. A few of the key findings highlighted […]

Question: Do Canadians know what a QR code is?

A complicated maze? A crossword puzzle? A Rorschach test, or a migraine waiting to happen? These were just a few of the dozens of answers we received when we showed a QR code to 500 members of our AskingCanadians research panel earlier this summer. What are Quick Response codes Quick Response codes, sometimes referred to as matrix […]

Integrating Social Media into Market Research

The ongoing evolution of technology has influenced virtually every industry, and the Market Research industry is certainly no exception. In fact, Market Research has shifted dramatically and by all accounts it will continue to do so, which means researchers will be challenged with keeping ahead of (or at least keeping up with) the curve. Moving […]

Mobile GPS, oh where art thou? Managing the Hype: The Reality of Mobile in Canada

GPS awareness and usage on smartphones is still relatively low among Canadians, particularly among Boomers and the 65+ crowd. Even some 38% of NGen don’t know or aren’t sure whether their smartphones are GPS-equipped. Given these stats, it isn’t surprising that few Canadians use their mobile GPS on a weekly basis. Why this lack of awareness and […]

Smartphone Ownership – Managing the Hype: The Reality of Mobile in Canada

Smartphone ownership in Canada is significant and growing, but the majority of Canadians do not yet own smartphones. One reason for the slow adoption may be traced back to the long-term contracts that consumers are forced to agree to by the major mobile providers. Three-year contracts are commonplace, with significant buy-out fees imposed for early […]