Ongoing Study to Understand the Mental Health of Canadians During COVID-19

Sign up for a free Methodify by Delvinia account to see reports and explore the data from the CAMH study, Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health and Substance Use among Canadians.

Log in regularly for the updated ongoing data.

Results at a Glance

CAMH - reports of people engaging in heavy episodic drinking
Nearly ¼ of people reported engaging in heavy episodic drinking.
Nearly ¼ of people felt lonely occasionally or most of the time in the past week.
Those who have switched to working from home are more likely to have moderate to severe anxiety levels compared to other groups.

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In times like these, open data is key to fighting COVID-19. Delvinia has partnered with CAMH to produce this important study on the mental of health of Canadians during the pandemic. Respondents were sourced using our AskingCanadians panel of over 1 million Canadians. We are also providing free access to the data via our Methodify platform for others to explore, download and use within their own organizations, including healthcare professionals, governments and businesses.

Also available on


We’ve compiled more resources to help you and your business manage through the pandemic. 

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