
Founding sponsor, Delvinia, to share resources on cutting edge technologies being used by marketers to better connect with the “always connected” consumer

While most marketers acknowledge the importance of innovation, very few know how to use it to its maximum potential to improve the customer experience.

But one thing is certain: technology is helping brands keep up with consumers like never before. Blockchain is improving the quality and security of customer data shared in market research. Video insights are being used to gather story-driven data. AI-powered virtual personas are being created to represent real-life panel participants so you can scale your research and get more up-to-the-minute insights from your target.

As one of the founding sponsors of the CMA’s Chartered Marketer Program, Delvinia will be making sure marketers know what the future of marketing entails. Among other priorities, this includes using the automated market research platform Methodify during the Applied Marketing Core 3 curriculum to give them a deep understanding of the advanced market research tools available to better connect with their audiences.

This is just one step in Delvinia’s commitment to enhance the education offered to marketers and market researchers of the future. In addition to sponsoring the Chartered Marketer Program, Chief Revenue Officer Raj Manocha also sits on the Advisory Board of the Master of Science in Marketing Research Program (MSMR) at Michigan State University, where he’s played a role in impacting the curriculum, looking for opportunities to engage the students in newer methods of research versus focusing solely on traditional market research. He is also on the Executive Advisory Board of the Marketing Analytics Centre at the University of Guelph’s Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics.

As President and Chief Innovation Officer Steve Mast explains, “We have a unique opportunity to bring real-life business challenges and experiences into the learning environment and prepare marketers and insights professionals for the biggest marketing challenge of the future. And that’s how to keep up with the customer.”