You’re probably wondering what on earth Howard Stern has to do with Delvinia or our company culture, am I right? But the sentiment within the title for this post really is the truth.

Our CEO is a long-time fan of The Howard Stern Show – and it’s not just Stern’s offside sense of humour that drew him in. Adam Froman has modelled Delvinia’s corporate culture on the principles of authenticity and trust; values that are also evident within Stern’s organization.

In his latest article for Marketing Magazine, Adam talks about how Stern’s approach has inspired him in building the unique culture he has created within Delvinia.

“Stern has become a master at being real. And he has built a team that has turned being real into a successful radio empire. He not only talks about his own shortcomings on air, he has taught his staff to own up to their mistakes and to admit their character flaws on air too. This has built authenticity within his team and it’s evident that their trust in him makes them feel safe to reveal their own vulnerabilities,” Adam writes.

As is the case with Stern’s team, Delvinia’s culture is a reflection of the personalities among our team and the authenticity and trust that Adam has cultivated stems from the accountability, transparency and communication that’s inherent within our company.

“I have encouraged my team to be fearless, to remove any filters and say what they are truly thinking, and to trust their instincts when they are outside of their comfort zones. This isn’t easy and it takes a lot of work and patience. Encouraging people to say what they are actually thinking in a business setting is much like Stern having his staff talk about their personal lives on air. The result is a willingness to embrace change and uncertainty and to tackle challenges where no clear solutions exist,” Adam says.

For more about the inspiration behind Delvinia’s culture, click here to read Adam’s latest article in its entirety.